Your skin research partner
The most biologically relevant ex vivo human skin model.
Dedicated to advancing skin research
We work with clients that are exploring medical aesthetics, cosmetics, drug development, and medical device testing. Using our patented ex vivo human skin model and specialist research services, our expertise augments client R&D, allowing them to make significant progress in investigating complex skin responses with lower development costs.
Working with Ten Bio provides human relevant testing and predictive clinical data without the use of animals. Our TenSkinTM model uses full-thickness human skin complete with dermal and epidermal layers with appendages and minor skin cell populations, cultured at an optimum mechanical tension, providing viability extending to beyond 2 weeks.
Enhance your R&D with TenSkinTM– available to order as a ready-to-use assay or as part of full spectrum specialized research services.
Mechanical Tension
Mechanical tension plays a vital role in organ and tissue morphology and function. Ten Bioʼs unique TenSkinTM culture system allows real human skin to be cultured at physiological tension, which assures a normal and realistic tissue response.
This enables evaluation of a broad range of responses over longer durations and more accurately than in other systems, allowing research teams to make more informed decisions at every stage of R&D. Better decisions drive better results, rapid progress, and lower costs.
Optimized ex vivo human skin models for skin biology testing.
TenSkinTM is suitable for a wide range of applications including wound healing, compound efficacy assessment, and response to UV radiation.
Advanced Relevant Unmatched TenSkin™
Exacting and clinically relevant data
Skin testing has evolved over several decades to include various models and assays. TenSkinTM is the pinnacle technology utilizing real human skin to bring preclinical testing to an even closer mimic of “in human” responses.
Follow the links below for a deep dive into the TenSkinTM technology.
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