Immunocompetent model

Extended immune cell retention to provide accurate preclinical testing

Compared to traditional ex vivo models, the intact mechanobiology of TenSkin™  maintains the skin’s resident immune cells in a more normal state. When skin is removed from the body, an accelerated spontaneous migration of Langerhans cells (orange) occurs (10-20% of the cell population every 24 hours), limiting the practical window available for immune reaction studies. Culturing skin at physiological tension significantly reduces this rate of migration, allowing in-depth and extended assessments of immune response.

Fresh (0 h)
TenSkin TM (48 h)
No tension (48 h)

Using advanced microscopy techniques, visualization of initial immune reactions in skin is possible. Whole-mount imaging shows Langerhans cells (orange; shown against the basement membrane in blue) mature and migrate in response to a contact allergen (oxazolone) in the TenSkin™ model.

1% Oxazolone

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